WRC Verification Report re Living Wage at Alta Gracia Apparel Factory

Dear Colleagues,
Attached please find the WRC’s report to universities concerning labor rights compliance at the Altagracia Project factory which is producing clothing for Knights Apparel’s new clothing line, Alta Gracia Apparel.
As you know, payment of a living wage is a central commitment that Knights Apparel has made at the Altagracia Project facility and this report focuses on compliance with that standard. I’m happy to be able to report that the factory is in full compliance.
Please let me know if you have any thoughts or questions about this monitoring report.
Scott Nova
Worker Rights Consortium
5 Thomas Circle NW
Washington DC 20005
ph 202 387 4884
fax 202 387 3292
[email protected]
WRC Living Wage Verification Report re Altagracia Project 7-16-10